Thiago BrumLearning LogI recently posted on my Twitter feed about a friend and fellow Product Manager who told me they were interviewing someone to fill a…Mar 17, 202227Mar 17, 202227
Thiago BrumMoving the Needle: Product Metrics 101I was talking with a product leader recently, and they told me that they pass on a lot of PM candidates because they lack an understanding…Feb 7, 2022401Feb 7, 2022401
Thiago BrumReflections on Product Management in 2021If I could summarize 2021 in one sentence, it would easily be "WHAT. A. YEAR!"Dec 29, 202111Dec 29, 202111
Thiago BrumProduct Plans: getting ready for what's nextOriginally posted on November 27th, 2021.Dec 27, 202111Dec 27, 202111
Thiago BrumAbout Product Management and Martial ArtsOriginally posted on September 18th, 2021.Dec 27, 20215Dec 27, 20215
Thiago BrumAsking Better QuestionsOriginally posted on September 4th, 2021.Dec 27, 202114Dec 27, 202114
Thiago BrumShort Stories on AccessibilityI have to share something with you: I’m a little hard of hearing. After many years of chronic ear infections, I developed a condition that…Dec 27, 202134Dec 27, 202134